Each year ECSECC publishes an annual report and distributes it to its partners and like-minded organisations. The Annual Report showcases ECSECC's work and reports on ECSECC's achievements and highlights.
You may download our Annual report here (link to latest Annual report in Document library) here
ECSECC operates according to a five year Strategic Plan and an Annual Performance Plan. The current five year strategic planning cycle starts in 2020 and will end in 2025.
You may download our Strategic plan (link to latest Strategic Plan in Document library) and Performance plan (link to latest Performance Plan in Document library) here
ECSECC’s impact statement expresses the overall social change and developmental impact that ECSECC will contribute to, in the context of the external, operating and policy environment outlined above. ECSECC’s Impact statement: To sustainably attain productive employment, prosperity and equity for all.
Outcomes express what ECSECC seeks to achieve over the strategy period in terms of ‘institutional and behavioural changes’ among the clients and beneficiaries of the entity’s work. Outcomes occur as a result of changes in the performance of the entity and completion of planned outputs.
Outcomes for the 2020-2025 period have been identified based on ECSECCs founding mandate, shareholder and stakeholder demands and the value proposition outlined above. Outcomes are also based on ongoing diagnostic analysis of the three intermediate impact areas outlined above.
For this strategy period, ECSECC will focus on three outcomes and six intermediate outcomes:
ECSECC’s impact on communities and the macro environment will be measured through the government, institutions, structures and businesses that are supported by ECSECC. For this period, ECSECC aims to measures its impact and outcomes in terms of: