
Prosperity and equity for all


A prosperous, productive and sustainable Eastern Cape where all people realise their potential.


A multi-stakeholder centre of excellence in strategic foresight, social collaboration and innovative solution design.

Value Proposition

A socio-economic compass for an uncertain world; Navigating uncertainty, co-create vision and putting strategic information to work.

Values and Principles

ECSECC continues to be driven by values of a just society together with the professionalism of international cutting-edge socio-economic policy research institutes.

Our value statement

1. Social Justice

Social justice embraces constitutional values such as the equal worth of all citizens, the equal right to meet basic needs, the need to provide equal opportunity and the need to eliminate inequality and injustice based on race, gender, sexuality, age, ability or any other grounds.

2. Integrity

Integrity is the quality of being honest and demonstrating sound moral and ethical principles. Integrity also refers to being true to our values, acting in accordance with them and considering the consequences of our actions on others.

3. Respect

We have respect for every person, their unique ideas, beliefs, cultures, personal situations, resources, values, priorities and objectives in an equal manner. The act of listening is critical, and the value of respect is premised on understanding and empathy.

4. Collaboration and Co-creation

As a multi-stakeholder council, we believe in the power of working across multiple organisations and constituencies. Multiple stakeholders come together to co-create new policies and practices to generate system-wide change. We practice collaboration between colleagues and teams in the organisation and base this in strong communication.

5. Commitment to excellence

We are committed to excellence, to always providing value to our partners and stakeholders. We set and achieve ambitious goals, we pursue high expectations, innovate by trying new ways of doing things and model a positive example.

6. Learning

All humans have the potential to learn and learning is fundamental to human flourishing. The organisation enables life-long learning for its employees and cultivates a culture of learning through its work. We teach each other and actively learn from each other and are willing to take on new challenges to learn and grow.
